Vistas de página en total

jueves, 29 de diciembre de 2011

Personajes y lugares

Ángel di María Angel of Mary

Artur Mas Arthur More

Banco Pastor Bank Shepherd

Bancaja Bankbox

Banesto Banthis

Buenos Aires Good Airs

Cajamar Boxsea

Castilla La Mancha Castille The Stain

David Bisbal David of the Bishop

David Silva David Whistles

El Hierro The Iron

El Molinón The Big Mill

Enrique Iglesias Henry Churches

Esperanza Aguirre Hope Aguirre

Fernando Torres Ferdinand Towers

Francisco Álvarez-Cascos Francis Álvarez-Helmets

Francisco Camps Francis Fields

Francisco Franco Francis Frank

Fuerteventura Strongfortune

Giovanni Rana John Frog

Gregorio Manzano Gregory Appletree

Iker Casillas Iker Squares

Javier Arenas Xavier Sands

José Antonio Reyes Joseph Anthony Kings

José Callejón Joseph Narrowstreet

José Ramon de la Morena Joseph Ramon from the dark-skinned woman

José Zorrilla Joseph Little Fox

Juan Luis Guerra John Louis War

Juan Martín del Potro John Martin of the Colt

Juan Mata John Kills

Lana del Rey Wool of the King

Lloret de Mar Little parrot of the Sea

Luis Milla Louis Mile

Malgrat de Mar Despite of Sea

Massanet de la Selva Too much clean of the Jungle

María Dolores de Cospedal Mary Pains of Cospedal

Nou Camp New Field

Pedro del Hierro Peter from the Iron

Pedro León Peter Lyon

Pep Guardiola Joseph Piggybank

Puertollano Portplane

Rafael Nadal Raphael Christmas

Roberto Soldado Robert Soldier

Rodrigo Rato Roderick While

Sala-manca One-handed hall

Sant Pere de Ribes Saint Peter of Shores

Sara Carbonero Sarah Coler

Sergio Canales Serge Channels

Vicente del Bosque Vincent of the Forest

Villa, Villa, Villa, Villa maravilla Village, Village, Village, Village sea-to-village


Va que arde It goes that burns

Valer más la pena To cost more the pity

Valor y al toro! Value and to the bull

Vámonos que esta familia se querrá acostar Let’s go, that this family will want to go to bed

Vaya dos patas para un banco What two legs for a bank

Vaya horas! What hours!

Velar las armas To candle the weapons

Vender la moto To sell the motorbike

Venderse por un plato de lentejas To sell oneself for a dish a lentils

Venir con cuentos chinos To come with Chinese tails

Venir la flor y nata To come the flower and cream

Venir que ni pintado To come that neither painted

Venir un poco mosca To come a bit fly

Ver el vaso medio lleno o medio vacío To see the glass half full or half empty

Ver las orejas al lobo To see the ears to the wolf

Ver los toros desde la barrera To view the bulls from the barrier

Ver menos que un gato de yeso To see less than a cat of plaster

Vete tú a saber Go you to know

Vino peleón Fighter wine

Vino tempranillo Wine little early

Viviendo del cuento Living of the tail

Voy fino I go fine

Voy a llamar a mi primo del Zumosol I’m gonna call my cousin of the Juicesun


Y ahora sale con que la abuela fuma And now exits with that the grandmother smokes

Ya puestos Already puts

Ya son las tantas They already are the so many

Ya te digo Already I tell you

Ya te vale Already it costs to you

Ya vamos teniendo una edad Already we are having an age

Yo que sé! I what know!


Zapatero a tus zapatos Shoemaker to your shoes

Zas, en toda la boca Zas, in all the mouth


Un poquito de por favor A little few of please

Una mierda como un piano de cola A shit like a piano of tail

Una vez que maté un perro, me llamaron mataperros One time I killed a dog, they called me killerdogs

Uno por otro, la casa sin barrer One for other, the house without sweep

Usar de cabeza de turco To use of Turkish’s head

Usar de conejillo de Indias To use of little rabbit of Indias